what difference do we make?

Health care

Emergency evacuation for the critically ill and transport for mothers in labour to major Hospitals and Medical Centers.
Facilitating visitng Health outreach teams and health education.

Environmental Education

Our living environment is what keeps us alive. We teach community members and visiting school groups to respect,value and look after their physical environment through sustainable living.


Working to create solutions for human-wildlife conflict and managing community perceptions. Tracking and recording signs or the highly endangered African Wild Dogs.

Mayian Crafts

Creating income generation opportunities through local crafts.

Wild Dog Education Fund

Sponsoring talented or impoverished students to obtain a better education.


Intentional discussions on life's challenges with local school girls and sponsored students.

WHo, Where,How and Why

Walking with Maasai is a company with charitable objectives that was established by local Maasai visionaries in partnership with friends from South Africa and the USA. Our organization work alongside the Maasai communities of Olorte in the Loita Hills region of southern Kenya. We strongly believe that only projects initiated by the local community will survive, grow and bear fruit in the long run.

As our name implies, we’re about ordinary people who are together on an everyday journey of discovery, growth and development. By creating sustainable partnerships between us and various people around the world, we aim to support and encourage community-based initiatives that equip, educate and empower the local community. We seek to run all of our activities in an environmentally and culturally sensitive manner, promoting the conservation and wise use of natural resources.

Walking with Maasai currently relies on sponsorship to run its operation. Our long-term aim is to become financially more independent through our joint community effort in establishing an Eco-Camp. Based in a remote and very beautiful forested area of the Loita Hills, the Maasai Community co-exist with some of Africa's most impressive wildlife. Visitors who choose to come and stay at Olkoroi Camp will in turn be supporting the community through the provision of much needed income and creation of employment.